Living Life With Eyes Wide Open

My story starts in November, 2011. I developed excruciating pain in my leg, and after 6 months of different doctors, PT, and constant Prednisone, I was told I had stage 4 ovarian or colon cancer with very little time left.

After multiple tests, the diagnosis was changed to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma dlbcl stage 4, with over 90 percent bone marrow involvement. I received the standard RCHOP and did relatively well with it. My oncologist cautioned that with so much bone marrow involvement recurrence was pretty much a foregone conclusion.

I called Livestrong’s cancer helpline and I talked to some wonderful counselors. They encouraged me to live life to the fullest, and that is what I have done! I have traveled to Paris, London, Barcelona and many other places that have expanded my world. Seeing life eyes wide open has deepened a sense of gratitude to God for such an amazing view.

Easter Sunday will be my 5-year cancer diagnosis anniversary. I am still in remission!

For those currently fighting, for those in remission, and for those who face the anxiety of recurrence — remember: though the night may be dark, there truly is joy in the morning.

Janet, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor

Hearing the words “you have cancer” is the start of a what can be an emotionally, physically and financially challenging journey. LIVESTRONG Navigation can help.

Living Life With Eyes Wide Open was originally published in Livestrong Voices on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.