5 Helpful Resources for Every Cancer Journey

A cancer journey comes with a lot of questions, especially when it comes to finding information and resources. It can feel like an endless sea of online options. Please find below five helpful resources on the most common topics cancer survivors ask us about.

1. Just diagnosed with cancer? Here’s where to start.

Arming yourself with information and knowing where to turn for support when you need it can make the start of your cancer journey much smoother.

2. Fertility and Cancer

Your fertility could be compromised when getting treatment, but it doesn’t mean you dreams of parenthood are over. Learn more about your family-building options.

3. Tips for Healthy Living After Cancer

It may seem difficult, but healthy living during and after cancer IS possible. Check out these four tips for living strong.

4. Life After Cancer Treatment

There’s life after treatment, but it’s important to recognize your life may have a “new normal.” Read our five things you should be aware of.

5. Chemo-Brain and You

Having memory loss or difficulty concentrating are normal side effects of chemotherapy. Here are five things you should know about “chemo brain”.

We encourage you to share this with any friends or family who might need it. Thank you!


5 Helpful Resources for Every Cancer Journey was originally published in Livestrong Voices on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.